UNOPS Hiring Environmental and Social Risk Management Specialist (Home Based Retainer)

UNOPS Hiring Environmental and Social Risk Management Specialist (Home Based Retainer)

UNOPS Hiring Environmental and Social Risk Management Specialist (Home Based Retainer).

Jobs in NGO, Non-Profit Associations, Jobs at United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

The United Nations Office for Project Services is an operational arm of the United Nations, dedicated to implementing projects for the United Nations System, international financial institutions, governments and other partners in the aid world.

Environmental and Social Risk Management Specialist – Home Based Retainer

Project Management 

Analytical and technical tasks: 

  • Participate with the TSU in rolling out environmental and social (E&S) risk management as a service to UNOPS Projects, including the design of E&S risk management instruments and systems for projects and the implementation on a project basis – based on donor requirements.
  • Preparation of site-specific E&S instruments to support project teams.
  • Support partnerships specialists and project preparation and implementation teams in the design and implementation of E&S risk management aspects.
  • Work with Project teams in monitoring and reporting  on the implementation of environmental and social risk mitigation measures.
  • Work with Project teams to review screening results of site-specific activities and assist with risk categorization of activities.
  • Work with Project teams in monitoring and reporting on indicators in the Project E&S risk management instruments.
  • Work with the Project teams in ensuring that appropriate E&S instruments and tools are applied by all implementers of the project.
  • Support the Project teams in triggering and overseeing the implementation of environmental correction measures by implementing partners where necessary.
  • Support the Project teams in ensuring that appropriate environmental and social mitigation measures are proposed and met.
  • Develop and deliver a series of spot checks for Project Teams to ensure mitigation measures are properly implemented in line with the guideline.
  • Input into reports being compiled by Project teams on E&S impacts, and mitigation measures, as per Project E&S instruments.
  • Support the TSU in communicating its services to the UNOPS Africa region and beyond.
  • Work with Project preparation teams in the design and implementation of stakeholder consultations and the preparation of other E&S risk management instruments, such as Environmental and Social Management Frameworks (ESMF), Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMP), Resettlement Action Plans (RAP), Biodiversity Assessments.
  • Support the management of specialist retainers to prepare required Project E&S instruments.

Capacity Building:

  • Carry out training and capacity building on E&S tools and frameworks, especially for project teams, new personnel in the TSU and UNOPS where required.

Impact of Results: 

  • All relevant project activities are successfully achieved in implementing E&S risk management tasks.
  • Improved UNOPS personnel capacity in regard to E&S risk management.
  • UNOPS compliance with E&S risk management obligations.


  • Masters Degree in Environmental Science or Social Science or similar field is required.

Work Experience:

  • Minimum 5 years of relevant experience in environmental and/or social risk management analysis / implementation is required.
  • Within these 5 years, a minimum of 2 years experience with World Bank Environmental and Social Framework is required.
  • Candidates with experience working on rural infrastructure projects will be preferred.
  • Candidates with experience in the region will be preferred.

Method of Application