PSC Advertises Job vacancies with lucrative pay; Requirements, deadline & how to apply

PSC Advertises Job vacancies with lucrative pay; Requirements, deadline & how to apply,

PSC Advertises Job vacancies with lucrative pay; Requirements, deadline & how to apply

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The Commission on Revenue Allocation is established under Article 215 of the Constitution of Kenya and operationalized by the Commission on Revenue Allocation Act 2011.The principal function of the Commission is to make recommendations concerning the basis tor the equitable sharing of revenue raised by the national government between the national and county government; and among county governments.

other functions include:

  1. Making recommendations on other matters concerning the financing of, and financial management by county governments, as required by the Constitution and national legislation.
  2. Determining publishing and regularly reviewing a policy in which it sets out the criteria by which to identity the marginalised areas for purposes of Article 204 (2) of the Constitution, and
  3.  Making recommendations for consideration by Parliament prior to any Bill approprating money out of the Equalization Fund is passed in Parliament.

Following the declaration of a vacancy in the Position of Chairperson, the Public Service Commission hereby invites applications from suitably qualified Kenyans for the vacant position.

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(Academic /Professional Qualifications and Work Experience) For appointment as Chairperson of the Commission on Revenue Allocation, a person should:

  • Hold a degree from a university or an equivalent professional qualification recognized in Kenya;
  • Have professional experience in financial and economic matters of at least fifteen (15) years of
  • Have had a distinguished career in his/her respective field; and
  • Meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.
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A person shall not be qualified for appointment as Chairperson of the Commission on Revenue Allocation if the person:

  •  is a member of Parliament or County Assembly
  •  is a member of a governing body of a palitical party:
  • is an undischarged bankrupt
  • has been removed from public office for contravening the provisions of the Constitution or any other law;
  • has not met his or her legal obligations relating to tax and other statutory obligations.


  •  The Chairperson of the Commission on Revenue Allocation shall be appointed for a single term of six years, shall not be eligible for re-appointment and shall serve on a part-time basis.
  • The salary and allowances payable to the Chairperson of the Commission on Revenue Allocation being a state officer, shall be as detemined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission

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Shortlisted candidates shall be required to present original of the following documents during the interviews:

  • National Identity Card:
  • Academic and Professional Certificates and transcripts;
  • Any other supporting documents and testimonial; and
  • Current and Valid clearances from the following bodies:

✓Kenya Revenue Authority;

✓Higher Education Loans Board;

✓Registered Credit Reference Bureau ✓Directorate of Criminal Investigations (Police Clearance Certificate);

✓Printed Online Self-Declaration Application Acknowledgement Receipt or a Self-declaration From duly stamped by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.

  • Letter of recognition of qualifications from the Commission for University Education (CUE) for candidates who possess degrees from foreign universities; and
  • Recommendations from relevant professional bodies (where applicable)

Names of all applicants and shortlisted candidates shall be published after the closure of the  advert

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  •  Candidates may apply manually or online.
  • Applications together with detailed curriculum vitae, copies of academic and professional certificates, National ldentity Card, testimonials, clearances and any other relevant supporting  documents should be made as follows:

manual Applications may be submitted in a sealed envelope dearly marked .

Online Applications may be submitted via e-mail: chaircra2023

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All applications should reach the Public Service Commission on or before 16 March, 2023 latest by 5.00 p.m. (East African Time).

Persons with disabilities, the marginalized and the minorities are encouraged to apply.

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