Office Assistant – 2 Position KenTrade

Office Assistant – 2 Position KenTrade

Office Assistant – 2 Position KenTrade

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Kenya Trade Network Agency (KENTRADE) is a state Agency under treasury that is mandated to facilitate cross border trade, Establish, manage and implement the Kenya National Electronic Single Window System (KNESWS). The overall objective of the National Electronic Single Window System Project is to facilitate international trade by reducing delays and lowering costs associated with clearance of goods at the Kenyan borders while maintaining the requisite controls and collection of levies, fees duties and taxes, where applicable on imports or exports. We are recruiting to fill the following positions below:

Office Assistant – 2 Positions

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Purpose for the Job

To perform diverse assignments such as preparing and serving tea to staff on time and ensuring that food or snacks orders are delivered and timely served, mail delivery and maintaining office cleanliness.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Preparing and serving tea;
  • Clearing and cleaning utensils;
  • Ensuring beverages are distributed in offices;
  • Ensuring that visitors and meetings are served adequately;
  • Maintain cleanliness in the kitchen;
  • Preparation of shopping list for office supplies;
  • Purchase and Replenishment of office supplies is done in a timely manner;
  • Custodian of kitchen equipment and maintenance where necessary
  • Deliver mail, parcels and cheques to assigned offices;
  • Making utility bill payments at relevant offices;
  • Pick and drop office mails from the post office;
  • Making photocopy of office documents as required;
  • Undertake such other duties as may be reasonably required and which are consistent with the level of responsibility of this job role.

Requirements for appointment

  • Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade C- (Cminus);
  • Certificate in computer application from a recognized institution; and
  • Meets the provisions of Chapter Six of the constitution.

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Method of Application

  • Qualified and interested candidates are requested to submit their application letter, curriculum vitae (that contains details of qualifications, work experience, email and telephone contacts including names, telephone and email contacts of three (3) referees who must be familiar with the candidates’ previous work experience) and copies of all certificates & relevant testimonials.
  • Successful candidates (those who have been appointed to the advertised position) shall be required to obtain and submit valid copies of the following documents before engagement in compliance to the Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010;
    • Certificate of Good Conduct from the Directorate of Criminal investigations (CID)
    • Clearance certificate from the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB)
    • Tax Compliance Certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)
    • Self-declaration form duly executed by the Ethics & Anti – Corruption Commission (EACC)
    • Clearance certificate from a recognized Credit Reference Bureau (CRB)

Interested and qualified? Go to Kenya Trade Network Agency (KenTrade) on to apply

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