National Gender and Equality Commission Hiring

National Gender and Equality Commission Hiring

National Gender and Equality Commission Hiring

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The National Gender Equality Commission is a constitutional Commission established by an Act of Parliament in August 2011, as a successor commission to the Kenya National Human Rights and Equality Commission pursuant to Article 59 of the Constitution. NGEC derives its mandate from Articles 27, 43, and Chapter Fifteen of the Constitution;

Assistant Director, Finance, Planning and Accounts

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Job Ref:



  • Providing advisory services to the Commission Secretary and other stakeholders on accounting matters;
  • Forecasting and monitoring expenditure and allocating and utilizing financial resources;
  • Ensuring proper interpretation and implementation of accounting procedures, letters and instructions;
  • Facilitating annual statutory audit;
  • Controlling, monitoring and implementing the NGEC’S financial resources;
  • Managing accounting information, which includes coordination and rationalization of estimates, annual appropriation and fund accounts, cash flow control and cost analysis;
  • Maintaining an inventory of all bank accounts in the Accounting Section and their approved signatories.

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:

  • Served in the grade of Principal Finance Officer, Principal Planning Officer or Principal Accountant for a minimum period of three (3) years, or served in a comparable position in the Public Service or Private Sector for a minimum period of nine (9) years six (6) of which must have been at a Management level;
  • A Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: – Economics, Commerce, Finance, Business/Public Administration or any other relevant and comparable qualification from a recognized institution;
  • A Master’s degree in Economics, Commerce, Finance, Business/Public Administration or any other relevant and comparable qualification from a recognized institution;
  • Attended a Strategic Leadership Development Course (SLDP) from a recognized institution;
  • Met the requirements of Chapter six (6) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010
  • Been a Member of a relevant professional body;
  • computer skills; and
  • Showed merit and ability as reflected in past work performance and results.
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Programme Officer II (Interns)

Job Ref: NGEC/HR/6/4/2023


  1. The officer will be responsible to the Senior Programme Officer.
  2. Duties and responsibilities to this post include;
  3. Assist in the development of country reports and monitor implementation of concluding observations of legal instruments relating to special interest groups
  4. Participate in research, analysis and report writing including on emerging issues and make recommendations to special interest groups’ concerns
  5. participate in monitoring, auditing and mainstreaming of special interest groups by the State and non-State actors
  6. Assist in the development of concepts and proposals for resource mobilization to fund the Commission’s programs.
  7. Assist in the preparation of monthly, quarterly, annual and other reports.
  8. Assist in monitoring the integration of the principles of gender equality and freedom from discrimination in all programmes, policies, laws, and administrative regulations in all public and private institutions;


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Gender and Development, Economics, Development Studies, Human Rights, Anthropology, Community Development, Sociology, Social Sciences, or any other relevant qualification from a recognized institution.
  • Excellent report writing, communication, presentation and data collection skills.
  • Must be computer literate

Driver/Rider III

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Job Ref:


For appointment to this grade, the candidate must have:

  1. A Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade D+ (plus);
  2. A valid driving license free from any endorsements for classes of vehicles an officer is required to drive (A, B, C & E)
  3. At least three (3) years of active driving experience;
  4. Passed Occupational Trade Test II for Drivers;
  5. Passed suitability test for Drivers Grade II conducted by Kenya Institute of Highways Building and Technology (KIHBT)
  6. A Defensive Driving Certificate from the Automobile Association (AA) of Kenya or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
  7. Attended a First-Aid Certificate Course lasting not less than one (1) week in a recognized institution;
  8. Attended a refresher course for drivers lasting not less than one (1) week in a recognized institution;
  9. Computer skills, and
  10. Met the requirements of Chapter six (6) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010.

The Officer will report to the Head of Administration.

  • Driving of vehicles/motorcycles as authorized;
  • Maintaining vehicles/motorcycles assigned to them;
  • Detecting common mechanical faults on the vehicles/motorcycles;
  • Carrying out routine checks on vehicles/motorcycles cooling, oil, electrical, brake systems and tyre pressure and monitoring dates for due service.
  • Reporting all accidents, incidents and any malfunctions of the vehicle/motorcycle systems promptly
  • Maintaining daily work tickets for vehicles/motorcycles;
  • Ensuring the safety of vehicles/motorcycles on and off the road;
  • Ensuring the safety of passengers, and goods or parcels
  • Maintaining the vehicles/motorcycles’ cleanliness, including appropriate fumigation and sanitization
  • Deliver as well as collect packages, documents, letters, goods and other assignments


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Method of Application

Interested candidates who meet the minimum requirements should submit their applications together with;

  • A detailed Curriculum Vitae;
  • A copy of the National Identity Card and
  • Copies of Academic and Professional Certificates
  • Applicants should submit three (3) names of referees, and their mobile telephone and email contacts.
  • To submit your application, kindly direct it to the Commission Secretary/CEO of the National Gender and Equality Commission, either by post to P.O BOX 27512-00506 Nairobi, Kenya or by physically delivering it to the Headquarters Office located on the 1st Floor, Solution Tech Place, 5 Longonot Road, Upper Hill, Nairobi.
  • The office is open daily from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. All applications MUST BE SUBMITTED IN HARD COPY ONLY, CLEARLY INDICATING THE POST ON THE ENVELOPE to reach the Commission on or before 18th April 2023 at 5:00 pm.

Please note that:

  • The National Gender and Equality Commission is an equal-opportunity employer. Persons with Disabilities, Youth, Persons from Marginalized groups and Minority communities who meet the requirements of the advertised job are encouraged to apply.
  • The Commission does not ask for any money or require applicants to undergo a medical examination.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be notified and only the successful candidates will be required to provide clearance forms from KRA, CID (Police Clearance), EACC, HELB andCRB. Driver/Rider will submit KRA, EACC, CID and CRB.
  • It is a criminal offence for any applicant to provide false information and documents in the job application
  • Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification
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  • National Gender and Equality Commission Hiring

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