Massive Job Openings at Machakos County Public Service Board
Massive Job Openings at Machakos County Public Service Board
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Machakos County, nicknamed ‘Macha,’ was the first capital city of Kenya and is now an administrative county in Kenya. Machakos is made up of eight (8) constituencies including Machakos Town, Mavoko, Masinga, Yatta, Kangundo, Kathiani, Matungulu, and Mwala.
- Open Jobs
- Finance Officer III – 15 Positions
- Accountant III – 15 Positions
- Principal Finance Officer – 15 Positions
- Accountant II – 12 Positions
- ICT Officer I – 12 Positions
- Clerical Officer I – 199 Positions
- Support Staff – 188 Positions
- Senior Clerical Officer
- Senior Finance Officer
- Chief Clerical Officer
- Accountant I
- Driver I – 20 Positions
- Supply Chain Management Officer III – 17 Positions
- ICT Officer II – 15 Positions
- Legal Officer I – 15 Positons
- Supply Chain Management Officer II – 11 Positions
- Human Resource Management Officer II – 11 Positions
- Method of Application
Finance Officer III – 15 Positions
Duties and Responsibilities
- Compiling and formatting financial estimates;
- Taking initial action on budget monitoring; and
- Preparing reports and briefs on budgetary policy issues.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must be in possession of either: –
- Bachelor’s degree in any of the following areas: Commerce (Finance Option),
- Economics, Business Administration, Business Management or Finance
- Any other Bachelor’s degree with Certified Public Accountant II (CPA II) qualification.
Massive Job Openings at Machakos County Public Service Board
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Accountant III – 15 Positions
Duties and Responsibilities
- Compiling and formatting financial estimates;
- Taking initial action on budget monitoring; and
- Preparing reports and briefs on budgetary policy issues.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must be in possession of either: –
- Bachelor’s degree in any of the following areas: Commerce (Finance Option), Economics, Business Administration, Business Management or Finance
- Any other Bachelor’s degree with Certified Public Accountant II (CPA II) qualification.
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Principal Finance Officer – 15 Positions
Duties and Responsibilities
- Co-ordinating and analyzing Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) Budget
- Assisting the Ministerial Departments in costing of Programmes
- Incorporating the district’s inputs into the budget process
- Communicating approved annual estimates to various departments and ensuring that there is a timely adjustment of work plans commensurate with the resources voted in the budget
- Determining performance indicators for programmes; and
- Initial preparation of responses to all budgetary matters including all issues raised by parliamentary Oversight Committees.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: –
- Served satisfactorily in the grade of Senior Finance Officer/Senior Budget Officer or in a comparable and relevant position in the Public Service for a minimum period of three (3) years
- Attended and successfully completed a Senior Management Course not lasting less than four (4) weeks
- Attended and successfully completed a certificate course in Public Financial Management
- Demonstrated professional competence in the field of Financial Management
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Accountant II – 12 Positions
Duties and Responsibilities
Preparation and verification of vouchers in accordance with the laid down rules and regulations involving primary data entry and routine accounting work such as balancing of cashbooks, imprest and advances ledgers etc. The scope and complexity of work will increase with experience and training but the officer will still be under close guidance where new tasks are involved. He/she will be responsible for safe custody of records and assets under him/her.
Requirement for Appointment
For appointment to the grade of Accountant II, a candidate must have the following qualification: –
- A pass in part II of the Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Examination or it’s recognized equivalent qualification
- Bachelor’s degree in Commerce (Accounting or Finance option), Business Administration (Accounting option) from a recognized institution or any other relevant equivalent qualification.
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ICT Officer I – 12 Positions
Duties and Responsibilities
- installation and maintenance of computer systems;
- configuration of Local Area Network and Wide Area Network;
- developing and updating application systems; and carrying out systems analysis, design and programme specifications in liaison with users;
- carrying out repairs and maintenance of Information Communication Technology equipment and associated peripherals; drawing up hardware specifications for Information Communication Technology equipment; verification, validation and certification of Information Communication
- Technology equipment; and overseeing the process of configuration of new
- Information Communication Technology equipment.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:
- A degree in any of the following fields: Computer Science/ Information Communication Technology or in Electronics/Electrical Engineering from a recognised institution.
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Clerical Officer I – 199 Positions
Duties and Responsibilities
- compiling statistical records
- sorting out letters and filing them
- dispatching letters and maintaining an efficient filing system
- processing appointments, promotions, discipline cases, transfers and other related duties in human resource management preparing payment vouchers computation of financial or statistical records based on routine or special sources of information compiling data and drafting simple letters.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: –
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) Mean Grade C- (Minus) or its equivalent qualification; and
- Certificate in computer application skills from a recognized institution
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Support Staff – 188 Positions
Duties and Responsibilities
The Support Staff function will entail undertaking supervision of cleaning and messengerial duties in areas of deployment and undertaking any other related duties.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –
- A K.C.E Division IV or K.C.S.E certificate Mean Grade D (Plain) or any other approved equivalent qualifications from a recognized Institution.
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Senior Clerical Officer
Duties and Responsibilities
- Compiling statistical records;
- Carrying out transactions related to accounts or personnel information;
- Filing receipts
- Receiving, sorting out, filing and dispatching correspondence;
- Recording, folioing and filing applications for registration and licensing documents;
- Preparing initial documents for issuance of stores;
- Preparing Pay Change Advices (PCAs)
Massive Job Openings at Machakos County Public Service Board
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: –
- Served in the grade of Clerical Officer I for a minimum period of three (3) years;
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) Mean Grade C- (Minus) or its approved equivalent;
- Passed the Proficiency Examination for Clerical Officers;
- Certificate in any of the following disciplines: Human Resource Management (HRM), Business Administration, Kenya Accounts Technician Certificate (KATC),
- Supply Chain Management or Records Management lasting not less than six (6) months from a recognized institution;
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Senior Finance Officer
Duties and Responsibilities
- Preparing District Budgets for the recurrent and development votes
- Preparing quarterly expenditure forecasts as a basis for discussions with the Treasury for release of funds
- Initiating proposals seeking funds for additional expenditure and reallocation of voted funds during the year
- Monitoring expenditure and projects including programme implementation on a periodic basis and ensuring timely disbursement of funds
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have;
- served in the grade of Finance Officer I or comparable andrelevant position in the Public Service for at least three (3) years;
- a certificate in Public Financial Management from a recognised institution lasting not less than four (4) weeks;
- attended a Senior Management course lasting not less than four (4) weeks; and
- shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results
Personal Qualities
In addition to the above requirements, an officer must have the following qualities:-
- Organisational, managerial and administrative skills.
- Positive working attitude and ability to give and take instructions.
- Ability to work with minimum supervision.
- Creativity and innovativeness.
- Professionalism and integrity.
- Interpersonal skills including being a team player.
- Good communication skills.
Core Skills
- Supervisory management
- Policy implementation
- Oral/Written Communication skills
- Target setting
- Administration skills
- Team leadership
- Problem solving
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Chief Clerical Officer
Duties and Responsibilities
- Coordination of clerical work in a section;
- Maintenance of general cleanliness and security of buildings and equipment;
- Planning of office accommodation and layout;
- Processing of documents for issue of licenses or certificate under relevant Acts.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must: –
- Have served in the grade of Senior Clerical Officer for at least three (3) years;
- Posses a Certificate in any of the following disciplines: Human Resource Management, Business Administration, Kenya Accounts Technician Certificate (KATC), Kenya Administration and Management Examination (KAME) or any other approved equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
- Be in possession of an ICT certificate and be proficient in Word Processors, Spread Sheets, Presentation and Database; and
- Have shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.
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Accountant I
Duties and Responsibilities
- Maintaining books of accounts in accordance with the regulations;
- Verifying compiled statistical records for accuracy;
- Processing accounting statistics and transactions;
- Ensuring proper maintenance of efficient filing system;
- Safe keeping of invoices, receipts and other accounts records;
- Supervising accounting operations of routine nature; and
- Supervising officers working under him/her.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: –
- A Diploma in Accountancy or its recognized equivalent qualification from a recognized institution or KATC Final;
- Served as an Accounts Assistant II for at least three (3) years;
- Shown merit and ability in work performance and results; and
- Proficiency in computer applications
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Driver I – 20 Positions
Duties and Responsibilities
- carrying out routine checks on the vehicle’s cooling, oil, electrical and brake systems, tyre pressure etc.;
- detecting and reporting malfunctioning of vehicle systems;
- maintenance of work tickets for vehicle(s) assigned;
- ensuring security and safety of the vehicle on and off the road;
- overseeing safety of the passengers and/or goods therein; and
- maintaining cleanliness of the vehicle.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:
- served in the grade of Driver II for a minimum period of three (3) years;
- a valid driving license free from any current endorsement(s) for the class(es) of vehicle(s) the officer is required to drive;
- passed Occupational Trade Test II for Drivers;
- Defensive Driving Certificate from the Automobile Association (AA) of Kenya or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution;
- attended a Refresher Course for drivers lasting not less than one (1) week within every three (3) years at Kenya Institute of Highway and Building Technology (KIHBT) or any other recognized. Institution;
- a valid Certificate of Good Conduct from the Kenya Police;
- attended a First Aid Certificate Course lasting not less than one (1) week at St. John Ambulance or Kenya Institute Highway and Building Technology (KIHBT) or
- its equivalent from a recognized institution; and
- shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.
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Supply Chain Management Officer III – 17 Positions
Duties and Responsibilities
- issuing and receiving stores
- assisting in stock taking, reconciliation, preparation and maintenance of records.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must be in possession of: –
- a Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade C- (minus) with a minimum of C- in Mathematics and English or Kiswahili or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution; and
- a Diploma (CIPS) in Supplies Management or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution
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ICT Officer II – 15 Positions
Duties and Responsibilities
- writing and testing simple computer programs according to instructions and specifications
- assisting in the implementation of the computer systems
- providing user support and training of users
- repairs and maintenance of ICT equipment and associated peripherals
- monitoring the performance of ICT equipment; and
- reporting any faults for further action.
Requirements for Appointment
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education mean grade C plain with at least a C- in mathematics and English /Kiswahili or its approved equivalentii.) Diploma in any of the following fields: Computer Science, Electrical/Electronics engineering or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
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Legal Officer I – 15 Positons
Duties and Responsibilities
- Undertaking research on assigned legal issues.
- Collecting and collating research data
- Liaising with the State Law Office and advising on various legal policy issues
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: –
- Served in the grade of Legal Officer II or in a comparable and relevant position in the Public Service for a minimum period of three (3) years
- Bachelor of Laws (L.L.B) degree from a recognized university
- Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Studies from the Council of Legal Education
- Proficiency in computer applications; and
- Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results
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Supply Chain Management Officer II – 11 Positions
Duties and Responsibilities
Warehousing; distribution management; fleet management; disposal of stores and equipment; procurement; market surveys and research; inventory and stock control, in accordance with the laid down regulations and procedures.
Requirement for Appointment
For appointment to this grade. a candidate must have: –
- a Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following: – Commerce. Business Administration (Supplies Management Option). Economics. Procurement and Supplies Management. Marketing or their equivalent from a recognized Institution.
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Human Resource Management Officer II – 11 Positions
Duties and Responsibilities
- verification of information relating to recruitment, appointment, transfers, Human Resource Management records and complement control
- processing cases for the Departmental Human Resource Management Advisory Committee and assisting in the implementation of the decisions thereof, and supervising and guiding junior staff in the County public service.
Requirement for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must: –
- Have a degree in Social Sciences such as Government, Sociology, Economics, Public/Business Administration, Human Resource/Personnel Management or any other relevant qualification from a recognized university/institution.
How to apply
Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.
- Finance Officer III – 15 Positions
- Accountant III – 15 Positions
- Principal Finance Officer – 15 Positions
- Accountant II – 12 Positions
- ICT Officer I – 12 Positions
- Clerical Officer I – 199 Positions
- Support Staff – 188 Positions
- Senior Clerical Officer
- Senior Finance Officer
- Chief Clerical Officer
- Accountant I
- Driver I – 20 Positions
- Supply Chain Management Officer III – 17 Positions
- ICT Officer II – 15 Positions
- Legal Officer I – 15 Positons
- Supply Chain Management Officer II – 11 Positions
- Human Resource Management Officer II – 11 Positions