Latest Recruitment at UNICEF
Latest Recruitment at UNICEF
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UNICEF is the world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses
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Consultancy to Support the Global Alliance to End AIDS among Children by 2030
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- Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) is the region carrying the largest share of the global burden of HIV and remains the epicenter of the epidemic. In the last decade, much progress has been made, but the gains are still fragile, and HIV continues to have a tremendous impact on the lives of children, adolescents, and their families. In 2021 an estimated 1.74 million children and adolescents aged 0-19 years, in ESA were living with HIV. Approximately 57,000 children and adolescents died of an AIDS-related cause in the same year. Although declining, the number of new infections in children, at 78,000, remains far too high. Testing and treatment coverage as well as rates of viral suppression among children and adolescents living with HIV significantly lag those for adults in this region. While antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage for adults stood at 79% in 2021, only 56% of children were accessing lifesaving treatment in that same year.
- In the face of these grave inequities, global partners led by UNAIDS, UNICEF, and WHO together with networks of people living with HIV, PEPFAR, and The Global Fund launched the Global Alliance to end AIDS in children by 2030 (hereto referred to as the Global Alliance) at the International AIDS Conference in Montreal, Canada July 2022. The Global Alliance emphasizes the importance of a ground-up approach with local, national, and regional stakeholders taking ownership of the initiative, and engagement of a broad set of partners. The Global Alliance has four populations of focus: Children and adolescents (0–19 years) living with HIV, children exposed to HIV, pregnant and breastfeeding girls and women who are living with HIV, and pregnant and breastfeeding girls and women who are HIV-negative. There are four pillars of action for the Global Alliance as follows: 1) early testing and optimized comprehensive, high-quality treatment and care for infants, children, and adolescents living with HIV to achieve universal coverage of ART and viral suppression; 2) closing the treatment gap for pregnant and breastfeeding women living with HIV and optimizing continuity of treatment towards the goal of elimination of vertical transmission; 3) preventing new HIV infections among pregnant and breastfeeding adolescents and women and; 4) addressing rights, gender equality, social/structural barriers that hinder access.
- Eight of the twelve inaugural Global Alliance partner countries are in Eastern and Southern Africa. They include Angola, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. All eight have developed high-level action plans endorsed by their Ministers of Health. Accountabilities for the Regional Office in the Global Alliance include technical support to participating countries to operationalize national action plans, liaising between the Global team and Country teams, collaboration with UNAIDS and WHO regional offices, including in co-convening a regional hub for the Global Alliance, knowledge management and resource leveraging in support of the Global Alliance. While ESARO has a dedicated capacity for the elimination of vertical transmission and adolescent HIV, the ESARO team is limited in dedicated expertise on pediatric and adolescent HIV lacks expertise. It is to support key regional accountabilities in the Global Alliance through additional expertise that ESARO is seeking to recruit a senior consultant with a particular focus on closing the treatment gap for children and adolescents.
How can you make a difference?
- The overall goal of this consultancy is to support the Global Alliance in Eastern and Southern Africa to accelerate action and progress on closing the treatment gap for children and adolescents and ending AIDS by 2030. The specific objectives for this consultancy are to:
- provide expert advice and guidance to at least eight countries (through UNICEF country offices and joint UN teams) to operationalize the Global Alliance action plans, with a particular focus on closing the treatment gap for children and adolescents,
- lend expertise to the Regional Office in operationalizing the Global Alliance regional hub and liaising with global and regional partners for smooth information flow and timely implementation
- inform action through knowledge management, including the development of knowledge products, south-to-south learning, and support for monitoring the implementation of the Global Alliance in Eastern and Southern Africa
- to provide technical expertise for resource mobilization and leveraging for operationalizing the Global Alliance and closing the treatment gap for children and adolescents.
Activities and Tasks
Expert technical advice to Country Offices
- Provide remote expert technical guidance to the eight inaugural Global Alliance partner countries on closing the treatment gap and other aspects.
- Lend technical expertise to other countries in the region on closing the treatment gap to ensure alignment and continued progress across the region
Support for the regional hub
- Provide relevant technical expertise in support of the Global Alliance regional hub and global partnership on behalf of UNICEF ESARO
- Provide technical advice and guidance to support the translation of Global Alliance policies and initiatives to the ESAR context, especially on closing the treatment gap.
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Knowledge Management
- Develop, revise and technically edit regional documentation products of UNICEF efforts/activities on closing the treatment gap, including through PHC integration.
- Provide remote expert technical reviews of country documents related to the Global Alliance. closing
- Develop evidence and programme summaries on key HIV programme areas to support the Global Alliance, especially on closing the treatment gap.
- The specific products will be determined in consultation with the regional team, country offices, and partners as part of the work planning process and in line with developments over time and are likely to include summaries of national action plans, input to the 2023 SADC Health Ministers meeting, and documentation of promising practices and learning from the operationalization of the Global Alliance.
Resource mobilization and leveraging
- Assess the programming and partner context and make recommendations on promising concepts and initiatives for resource mobilization.
- In consultation with the Regional HIV and PPP teams, provide expert technical inputs on concept notes and proposals.
To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…
- Education: Advanced university degree (Master’s or higher) in public health, social sciences, or related field.
- Work experience: A minimum of ten years of professional experience at the international level, including field experience with expertise in HIV programming.
- Prior working experience in Eastern and Southern Africa on HIV programming with a specific focus on treatment and viral suppression is an added advantage.
- Ability to analyze complex technical information and present it to non-technical audiences.
- Accurate, creative, and versatile writing skills
- Experience in resource mobilization and partner relations
- Prior experience working with UNICEF is highly desirable.
- Language: Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of another official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, or Spanish) or a local language is an asset.
Deadline: 25 May 2023 E. Africa Standard Time
Child Protection Specialist (PSEA ERT), P-4, FT, Child Protection, Programme Group
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For every child, a hope…
- The fundamental mission of UNICEF is to promote the rights of every child, everywhere, in everything the organization does — in programmes, in advocacy and in operations. The equity strategy, emphasizing the most disadvantaged and excluded children and families, translates this commitment to children’s rights into action. For UNICEF, equity means that all children have an opportunity to survive, develop and reach their full potential, without discrimination, bias or favoritism. To the degree that any child has an unequal chance in life — in its social, political, economic, civic and cultural dimensions — her or his rights are violated. There is growing evidence that investing in the health, education and protection of a society’s most disadvantaged citizens — addressing inequity — not only will give all children the opportunity to fulfill their potential but also will lead to sustained growth and stability of countries. This is why the focus on equity is so vital. It accelerates progress towards realizing the human rights of all children, which is the universal mandate of UNICEF, as outlined by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, while also supporting the equitable development of nations.
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How can you make a difference?
- The Child Protection Specialist Emergency Response Team (ERT) PSEA deploys to L3 and L2 humanitarian crises, or other situations as agreed, to support UNICEF to implement its commitments to protect crisis-affected populations from sexual exploitation and abuse by humanitarian or development workers or other UN personnel.
- Purpose for the job: As a lead agency in addressing Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), UNICEF has scaled up its programming on PSEA with a focus on integration of PSEA from the outset of all humanitarian response operations. UNICEF’s Core Commitments for Children outline key priorities for the organization on PSEA, and the recently updated Emergency Procedures outline the steps needed to deliver on PSEA from the outset of UNICEF’s emergency response. PSEA is embedded as an organization-wide accountability and the UNICEF’s Strategic Plan 2022-2025 includes core commitments on PSEA with core indicators used to actively monitor organization’s progress towards its PSEA commitments and priority areas. At the inter-agency level, UNICEF is playing a key role in supporting the IASC in delivering field support to Humanitarian Coordinators and Humanitarian Country Teams on PSEA. IASC and UNICEF’s PSEA priority areas are outlined in the IASC Plan to Accelerate PSEA in Humanitarian Response at Country-Level, which was delivered as part of UNICEF Executive Director’s 2018 IASC PSEA Championship and endorsed by IASC Principals, and in the IASC’s 2022-2026 Strategy and Vision on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (PSEAH) that prioritizes the acceleration of results against a core set of PSEA priorities. UNICEF continues to advance the PSEA work as a key contributor to the IASC Acceleration Plan and the IASC PSEAH Strategy and Vision. UNICEF has rolled out a PSEA Results Monitoring Framework to support PSEA programming, based on the approach Championed under the IASC.
- The Child Protection Specialist ERT-PSEA will support the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of UNICEF’s PSEA-related emergency preparedness and response, ensuring overall efficiency, effectiveness and delivery of results in accordance with the UNICEF Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action and national and international humanitarian standards. The primary focus of work will be in Level 2 and 3 emergencies. When deployed for emergency response, the ERT-PSEA will support the country team by providing guidance and direction on emergency PSEA issues and ensuring implementation of high-impact PSEA interventions in acute and chronic emergencies as outlined in UNICEF’s Emergency Procedures on PSEA, the PSEA Results Monitoring Framework, and related technical guidelines. The ERT-PSEA will also contribute support to HCs/HCTs on PSEA through the establishment or strengthening of inter-agency PSEA networks and their deliver on IASC PSEA priority results, as part of the humanitarian response.
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Key functions, accountabilities, and related duties/tasks
- Summary of key functions/accountabilities:
- Advisory services and technical support
- Advocacy, networking and partnership building
- Innovation, knowledge management and capacity building
- Advisory services and technical support
- Provides overall technical support for the implementation of PSEA from the outset of UNICEF’s emergency response, including the establishment and strengthening of safe and accessible reporting channels for SEA; survivor-centered assistance; and accountability, including protection and assistance during investigations.
- Provide technical guidance and advice to the country representative and the country team on the development of appropriate PSEA-related policies, strategies and implementation frameworks to deliver a comprehensive package of PSEA programming, in collaboration with the country and regional offices and HQ.
- Provides support to HCs/HCTs for the establishment and strengthening of an inter-agency PSEA network or task force, with a focus on delivering IASC PSEA priority results and the implementation of UN protocols and procedures in a manner that is child and gender-sensitive.
- Support the country office to carry out a PSEA risk and situation analysis, and to integrate PSEA across UNICEF’s response.
- Provide training and capacity development for PSEA focal points and staff, including on how to report allegations of SEA and refer victims for assistance.
- Advise on the appropriate staffing (level and skills) required to deliver on UNICEF’s PSEA responsibilities for both programme and management from onset through transition from emergency (where relevant).
- Advise on immediate and ongoing supply needs and financial needs for the response, including liaison with Supply Division and contribution to resource mobilization documents (both internal and external).
Advocacy, networking and partnership building
- Build and strengthen strategic partnerships through networking and advocacy with local/national governments, UN system agency partners, civil society, etc. to reinforce cooperation and/or pursue opportunities to promote goals, in line with CCCs and Country Office plans.
- Prepare communication strategies and implementation plans and activities for maximum communication impact and outreach to promote awareness, establish partnerships/alliances for sustainable results and support fund raising for UNICEF and Country Office child protection PSEA programmes and emergency interventions, in line with CCCs and Country Office plans.
- Participate and/or represent UNICEF in inter-agency (UNCT) discussions and planning on PSEA and related issues to ensure organizational position, interests and priorities are fully considered and integrated in interagency processes. Collaborate with inter-agency partners/colleagues on HRP planning and preparation of programmes/projects including emergency preparedness.
Innovation, knowledge management and capacity building
- Enhance acquisition of programme knowledge through systematic collection of country programme experience (lessons learned, best practices, reviews, evaluations) in the area of emergency response.
- Direct the documentation of lessons learned from UNICEF PSEA programmes and activities and identify priority areas for consideration, analysis and research in emergency contexts.
- Design and conduct training for UNICEF staff/consultants and counterparts in emergency preparedness and response to improve the quality and consistency of emergency response activities, in collaboration with HQ and regional and country offices.
- Between deployments, support capacity building efforts at global level, such as training Standby Partners.
- Impact of Results
- The strategic and effective advocacy, planning and formulation of PSEA systems and coordination structures at the outset of any humanitarian response contributes to the prevention SEA and appropriate response. The protection of crisis-affected communities, including girls and boys, from SEA by humanitarian workers and others delivering assistance and protection is core to UNICEF’s mandate and essential for the effective delivery of humanitarian aid.
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To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…
- An advanced university degree (Master or higher) in one of the following fields is required: international development, human rights, psychology, sociology, international law.
- A minimum of eight (8) years of professional experience in social development planning and management in child protection related areas, at the international level, is required.
- Experience working in humanitarian crises is considered essential and required.
- Relevant experience in programme development in child protection related areas in a UN system agency or organization or other international organization is required.
- Experience in both development and humanitarian contexts is an added advantage.
- This role involves travel to Country Offices, sometimes at short notice. The post holder must be able to travel for up to 70% level of effort.
- Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of another official UN language or local language of the duty station is considered as an asset.
Deadline: 29 May 2023 E. Africa Standard Time
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Method of Application
Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.