Latest Job Vacancies at World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

Latest Job Vacancies at World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

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Agriculture jobs, Agro-Allied jobs, Project Management jobs,

Vegetable Business Officer


To establish vegetable aggregation centers in several counties in liaison with the implementing partners in the Veggies 4 Planet & People (V4P&P) project, government partners, and the private sector, and facilitate a sustainable and replicable aggregation center business model.

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Duties and responsibilities

  • Develop feasibility studies and business plans for the establishment and operation of pilot vegetable aggregation centers in 3 different counties in Kenya, based on the concept note that has been developed by V4P&P.
  • Quantify project revenue streams based on sale of produce, logistics, business development services, storage, value addition, member fees, and other fees. Develop a cost structure for the aggregation centers.
  • Liaise with the anticipated clients of the aggregation centers, such as vegetable producers, agro-input providers, service providers, transporters, traders, and buyers, derived from existing vegetable business networks (VBNs) in the project.
  • In liaison with the project communication officer, media, other stakeholders, and field days, promote the values of the aggregation centers and its products among consumers and the wider community.
  • Promote accountability, transparency, and good leadership.
  • Monitor and document the operation of aggregation centers for the purpose of learning, sharing lessons with stakeholders, and reporting.
  • Manage other activities: identification and acquisition of land, design of aggregation center, building of infrastructure, consultative meetings with stakeholders, set up a management committee for each center, capacity building of management committees.
  • Identify and mitigate potential risks within your work area.
  • Take reasonable care of own occupational health and safety and that of others as obliged by CIFOR-ICRAF’s Occupational Health and Safety Policy and cooperate with CIFOR-ICRAF in complying with requirements under any statutory health and safety provisions of relevant Country laws.
  • Liaise with V4P&P project to coordinate complementary activities.
  • Perform any other duties assigned by the Kenya Country Director.
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Education, knowledge and experience

  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in agricultural economics, agribusiness, or related field.
  • Minimum three years’ experience in agricultural value chains, facilitating upstream and downstream linkages.
  • Proven experience in building capacity of agricultural enterprises.
  • Proven experience in liaising with public-, and private partners, and linking smallholder farmers to markets, particularly for perishable products.

Personal attributes and competencies

  • Excellent computer skills in MS‐office applications (Word, Excel, Power point).
  • Team player with excellent communication skills in spoken and written English and Kiswahili.
  • Good interpersonal skills and ability to interact with partners and colleagues in a multi-cultural setting.

The application deadline is 22 Mar, 2023

Program Assistant – Seed Systems and Technology Transfer

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This role offers administrative support to the Global Maize Program’s seed systems teams globally, with a focus on technology transfer, contract management, and monitoring and evaluation.

Duties and responsibilities

Technology Transfer

  • Support administration of the software system used for the management of licenses, including provision / coordination of technical support for internal and external users of the licensing management system, data entry, and maintaining the integrity of data.
  • Provide administrative support for processes related to the allocation of CIMMYT maize products developed in eastern Africa, including product announcement, reviewing applications, processing license agreements, and amendments.
  • Support the annual licensee reporting cycle for eastern Africa through the online system, including review of reports and following up with partners to ensure reports are submitted on time.
  • Monitor licensee’s compliance with their contractual obligations for reporting and diligence towards commercialization of licensed products.
  • Extract and analyze data for use in various reports, especially for purposes of monitoring and evaluation.

Project Management (Seed Equal)

  • Assist with the coordination of processes related to work planning, monitoring, and reporting for CIMMYT Global Maize Program (GMP) activities under the One CGIAR Seed Equal Initiative (SEI).
  • Collect and compile information from CIMMYT GMP staff under SEI for use in technical reports and other deliverables.
  • Support internal communications and collaboration among the GMP-SEI team through appropriate software and communications tools.
  • Support administration of GMP subgrants under SEI.

Education, knowledge, and experience

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration or related field.
  • 3-5 years of work experience
  • 2-3 years experience in monitoring and evaluation or project management.

Personal attributes and competencies

  • Excellent written communication skills (English).
  • Impeccable attention to detail.
  • Strong computer skills, with demonstrated experience using a wide range of computer applications (e.g., MS Word, MS Excel, Outlook, project management software, conferencing software such as Zoom, SharePoint, or other collaborative workspace tools).
  • Strong analytical and data visualization skills.
  • Demonstrated experience with contract management.
  • The ability to communicate in French and/or Portuguese is an added advantage.
  • Desirable: experience working in institutions focused on research, agriculture, and/or of a donor-funded nature, and experience working in a multicultural environment

The application deadline is 15 Mar 2023

PHI Coordination Assistant

The incumbent will provide management and administrative support for the One CGIAR Plant Health Initiative, a multi-institutional program that brings together multidisciplinary expertise from across ten CGIAR centers, working across multiple crops and geographies in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. This position will report to the Initiative Coordinator and Initiative Lead.

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Latest Job Vacancies at World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

Duties and responsibilities

  • Assist with the coordination of processes related to work planning, monitoring, and reporting across all PHI implementing partners, including administration of a project-management software platform (Scriptoria).
  • Collect and compile information from PHI staff for use in technical reports and other deliverables.
  • Provide event management support for PHI-sponsored events and meetings.
  • Facilitate internal communications and sharing among Initiative staff through appropriate software and communications tools.
  • Develop, manage, and maintain initiative-level databases.
  • Support administration of subgrants.
  • Collect, collate, and organize survey data (household level and community level), and other information (e.g., adoption patterns, impacts, etc.) as directed. Analyze such collected household survey data using advanced and most recent statistical and econometric techniques.
  • Develop computer-assisted personal interview (CAPI) programs, and train and supervise field data collection teams for the efficient deployment of large surveys for real and near-time data capture.
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Education, knowledge, and experience

  • Bachelor’s degree plus 3-5 years of work experience and/or master’s degree in business administration or a related field.
  • Minimum 2-3 years of project management experience.

Personal attributes and competencies

  • Excellent written communication skills (English).
  • Strong attention to detail.
  • Ability to work proactively and manage timelines to help keep teams on track.
  • Strong computer skills, with demonstrated experience using a wide range of computer applications (e.g., MS Word, MS Excel, Outlook, project management software, conferencing software such as Zoom, SharePoint or other collaborative workspace tools).
  • Desirable experience working in institutions focused on research, agriculture, and/or of a donor-funded nature, and experience working in a multicultural environment.

The application deadline is 15 Mar 2023.

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Latest Job Vacancies at World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

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