Job Openings at Public Service Commission Kenya ,
Job Openings at Public Service Commission Kenya
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The Commission dates back to 1954 when Civil Service Commission was established by British Colonial Government following Holmes Commission Report, 1948; Civil Service Commission was advisory to the Governor in matters of appointments; At independence in 1963 it was enshrined in the constitution and renamed Public Service Commission;
- Open Jobs
- Method of Application
Senior Deputy Director of Surveys- 1 Posts
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V/NO. 19/2023
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:
- served for a minimum period of twelve (12) years and currently serving in the grade of Deputy Director of Surveys CSG 6 or in a comparable and relevant position in the wider Public Service;
- a Bachelors degree in any of the following disciplines: – Land Surveying and Photogrammetry, Geomatics/Geomatics Engineering, Technology in Geomatics, Technology in Geo-informatics, Geo-spatial Engineering, Philosophy in Technology (Survey) or equivalent qualification from a University recognized in Kenya;
- a Masters degree in any of the following discipline; Land Surveying andPhotogrammetry, Geomatics/Geomatics Engineering, Technology in Geomatics, Technology in Geo-informatics, Geo-spatial Engineering, Philosophy in Technology (Survey), Hydrography or equivalent qualification from a University recognized in Kenya;
- full member of the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (MISK);
- demonstrated a high degree of administrative and professional competence and managerial capability required for effective planning organization and administration of the training programme; and
- a thorough understanding of national goals, policies and programmes and ability to relate them to the training function.
Duties and responsibilities at this level will include: –
- providing effective and efficient geographic information in accordance with the Constitution of Kenya, Sessional Paper No. 3 on National Land policy 2009, Survey Act Cap 299, Registered Lands Acts ( RLA) Cap 300 and other related statutes;
- providing modern geo-information which involves Land Surveying, Cartography,Photogrammetry, Photolithography and Hydrography leading to the establishment of a Nation Land Information System ( NLIMS);
- formulating and reviewing policies in surveying, mapping and national spatial data infrastructure;
- approving astronomical, gravity magnetic, VLBI, Cadastral, adjudication, subdivisional schemes, photo control, engineering and hydrographic surveys;
- authorizing research of new and emerging technologies, preparation and publication of plans, maps, charts and national Gazettes on Geographical names;
- providing guidance on standardization and certification of survey equipment;
- monitoring and evaluating the survey and mapping activities;
- ensuring territorial integrity of the nation by defining and maintaining physicallocation on national and international boundaries; and
- managing, mentoring and developing staff working in the directorate
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Senior Deputy Director Land Adjudication and Settlement- 2 Posts
POST V/NO. 20/2023
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:
- served for a minimum period of twelve (12) years and currently serving in the grade of Deputy Director Land Adjudication and Settlement, CSG 6 or in a comparable and relevant position in the wider Public Service;
- a Bachelors degree in any of the following disciplines: – Land Survey, Law,Geography, Agriculture and Human Ecology Extension, Agriculture and Home Economics, Sociology, Community Development or equivalent qualification from a University recognized in Kenya;
- a Masters degree in any of the following discipline; Land Survey, Law, Geography, Agriculture and Human Ecology Extension, Agriculture and Home Economics,Sociology, Community Development or equivalent qualification from a University recognized in Kenya;
- demonstrated professional ability, high integrity and competence matched by a proper appreciation of the country socio-economic development needs at the national sectoral and local levels; and
- clear understanding of the National Development goals; Vision 2030, Millennium Development Goals; and the roles of Land Adjudication and settlement in achievement of the same.
Duties and Responsibilities
- An officer at this level will be responsible to the director of Land Adjudication and Settlement for planning, organizing, directing, controlling and coordinating all technical and administrative activities; Specific
duties and responsibilities include:
- reviewing and interpreting policies on land adjudication and settlement;
- overseeing research on new and emerging trends in land adjudication and settlement;
- facilitating feasibility studies and environmental impact on assessment of establishment of land adjudication sections and settlement schemes;
- preparing and submitting technical and administrative reports;
- coordinating, monitoring and evaluating land adjudication and settlement projects and programmes;
- appraising and safeguarding land adjudication and settlement records;
- overseeing computerized and management of analogue and digital archive;
- managing the settlement fund trustees asset inventory;
- preparing land adjudication and settlement strategic plan, annual work plans and procurement plans;
- coordinating performance management and performance contracting processes;
- coordinating preparation of policy papers and cabinet memos; and
- managing, mentoring and developing staff working in the directorate.
Method of Application
Applications are invited from qualified persons for the positions shown below.
Interested and qualified persons are requested to make their applications ONLINE through the Commission website: or jobs portal:
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Please Note:
- Applicants should provide all the details requested for in the advertisement. It is an offence to include incorrect information in the application. Details of academic and professional certificates not obtained by closure of the advert should not be included.
- Only shortlisted and successful applicants will be contacted.
- Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.
- The Public Service Commission is committed to implementing the provisions of the Constitution – Chapter 232 (1) on fair competition and merit, representation of Kenya’s diverse communities and affording equal employment opportunities to men and women, members of all ethnic groups and persons with disabilities.
Shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce originals of their National Identity Card, academic and professional certificates and transcripts during interviews.
It is a criminal offence to present fake certificates/documents.
Serving officers shall be required to produce the original letter of appointment to their current substantive post during the interview.
Applications should reach the Commission on or before 17th April, 2023 (Latest 5 pm East African Time).
Interested and qualified? Go to Public Service Commission Kenya (PSCK) on to apply
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