Job Application Rejection Letter

Job Application Rejection Letter,

Job Application Rejection Letter

Job application rejection letter is written by an employer to the applicant who has applied for some post in the organization and his/ her application is rejected for the same. As a job applicant, it is worse not hearing anything from the employer, at that point of time the writing a job application rejection letter with the details of rejection will help the applicant to prepare for the next job.
Though writing a rejection letter for job application may be time-consuming but getting a response from the employer will encourage the applicant. Job applicants make decisions on the treatment which they receive from the employer or the relevant organization/ company.
Therefore, make sure that the treatment rates you among the most desirable employers, an employer of choice as a result of which the applicant feels encouraged even after getting the rejection letter. Which will probably help him/ her do best for other job applications.

Table of Contents

  • Job Application Rejection Letter Writing Tips
  • Job Application Rejection Letter Template
  • Sample Letter
  • Email Format

Job Application Rejection Letter Writing Tips

  • Clearly mention the details regarding the rejection of the job application letter for the relevant post.
  • Maintain positive/encouraging words and polite tone throughout the letter.
  • Be real and genuine.
  • If the applicant appears to be eligible for other vacant posts, encourage him/her for that
  • Appreciate the applicant and wish her/him luck for future
  • [the_ad id=”47122″].

Job Application Rejection Letter Template

Use our free Job Application Rejection Letter to help you get started.
Date: ________________. (Date on which letter is written)
Subject: ________________. (Main purpose of writing the letter)
Dear _____________, (Name of the applicant)
We appreciate your application for the post of ____________ (mention the post) at ______________ (name of your organization).
You were an eligible candidate and it was very difficult on our part to select the worthy one as the seats were limited.
We thank you for showing your interest in our organization and investing your time in applying for the post of_______________ (mention the post) in our organization.
We wish you luck for your future and also hope that you may find your position in the best organization.
_____________ (Name and signature of the sender)
_____________. (Name of the organization)
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Sample Letter

The following is the sample of a Job Application Rejection Letter.
Red Chillies International Ltd.,
New Jersey, United States.
May 29, 2015.
Robert Marx,
Golden Tulip, Road No.-56,
New Jersey, United States.
Subject: Rejection letter regarding job application.
Dear Robert,
We appreciate your application for the post of Marketing Manager at Red Chillies International Ltd. Which you applied on April 21, 2015.
After reviewing the application received by us, we found out that you do not come up to the mark of eligibility criteria and therefore you are not held up for the furthermore consideration.
First of all, you are not a postgraduate which is the most compulsory criteria for this post. Secondly, we did not find out any relevant document regarding working experience attached with this document which could have helped you in gaining the scores.
You are really a worthy candidate but there is something which you must keep in mind, always recheck the eligibility criteria before applying to any post at any organization and always send fully attached documents.
Thank you for showing your interest in our company for the post of Marketing Manager. We wish you luck for the next time and pray for your bright future.
Henry Stanford,
Recruitment Head,
Red Chillies International Ltd.,
New Jersey, United States.
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Email Format

The following is the email format to be followed for Job Application Rejection Letter.
Subject: _________________. (Main purpose of writing the mail)
Dear_____________, (Name of the applicant/ candidate)
We appreciate your application for the post of _____________ (mention the post) at ___________ (write the name of your organization / company) Which you applied on ____________ (mention the date).
After reviewing the application received by us, we found out that you do not come up to the mark of eligibility criteria and therefore you are not held up for the furthermore consideration.
First of all, you are not a postgraduate which is the most compulsory criteria for this post. Secondly, we did not find out any relevant document regarding working experience attached with this document which could have helped you in gaining the scores.
You are really a worthy candidate but there is something which you must keep in mind, always recheck the eligibility criteria before applying to any post at any organization and always send fully attached documents.
Thank you for showing your interest in our company for the post of ___________ (mention the post). We wish you luck for the next time and pray for your bright future.
__________________ (Name and signature of the sender)
__________________. (Name of the organization)
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Job Application Rejection Letter

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