15 Short Marketable Courses To Study In 3 Months In Kenya,
15 Short Marketable Courses To Study In 3 Months In Kenya
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Below is a list of short courses that are marketable in Kenya and can be studied for a period not less than three months.
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These courses can be ideal for those still looking for permanent jobs but want something to sustain themselves at the moment.
- Refrigeration and Air conditioning
- Panel beating
- Cctv installation
- Plumbing
- Barista
- Car tinting
- Car Air con.
- Welding
- Gardening/landscaping
- Private investigator/ proffessional spying.
- Transcribing
- Rally driving.
- Barista
- Plumbing
Below are some of the schools offering the short courses
a) NITA (National Industrial Training Authority) for all technical courses
B) Barista Pro Kenya for coffee brewing
c) Dormans school of Barista
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Below is a list of short courses that are marketable in Kenya and can be studied for a period not less than three months.
Check Also
- Kenya Airways – Internship Program Open For Applications
- Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Hiring
- Kenyatta University Hospital Hiring (70 Positions)
- Internship Opportunities Open At Danish Embassy In Nairobi
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These courses can be ideal for those still looking for permanent jobs but want something to sustain themselves at the moment.
- Refrigeration and Air conditioning
- Panel beating
- Cctv installation
- Plumbing
- Barista
- Car tinting
- Car Air con.
- Welding
- Gardening/landscaping
- Private investigator/ proffessional spying.
- Transcribing
- Rally driving.
- Barista
- Plumbing
Below are some of the schools offering the short courses
a) NITA (National Industrial Training Authority) for all technical courses
B) Barista Pro Kenya for coffee brewing
c) Dormans school of Barista
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